Wednesday, 31 July 2019

How the AUM report of this mutual fund software for IFA helps an advisor ?

Wealth E-office let an advisor tracks business data and so it becomes easier for us to generate various different types of reports for you. The AUM growth report in this mutual fund software for IFA is an example of one such report which can help you track your business (AUM) growth. This report let you compare and see how the business has performed over a period of time. For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

How can an advisor make this MF purchase order process painless using this mutual fund software ?

With Wealth E-office an advisor can get a one-stop solution to handle everything from transaction punching through Invest Online platform in this mutual fund software and all the way through payment and fulfillment. We can provide a full overview of the transaction process and give controlled access to every advisor. For more information visit @-

What kind of exporting facilities is available in this Mutual fund software for distributors ?


Exporting facility means a lot for an advisor. This is the mutual fund software for distributors which is well equipped with easy exporting techniques. An advisor can create PDF as well as XLS export . They can also send reports will mail to  clients . For more information visit @-

Monday, 29 July 2019

How is this mutual fund software helpful for increasing the productivity of an advisor ?

An advisor will be able to meet specific business needs by using this fully  customizable white-label wealth management technology used in this mutual fund software . Wealth E-office covers a full range of assets and products including Stocks, Commodities, Life insurance etc. For more information visit @-

Saturday, 27 July 2019

How is the Financial Planning tool of this Mutual Fund software different from the other softwares ?

We have integrated a Financial planning tool in this mutual fund software . This report is an outcome consisting of lower expense ratio required to generate a goal for investors within a very less time. After goal creation an advisor can map funds into it and track it to check the status of the same. For more information visit @-

Friday, 26 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors reduces manual intervention ?

Wealth E-office monitor and collects all of your investor’s portfolio data providing support for identifying and eliminating errors. The interactive interface of this mutual fund software for distributors reduces human dependency and excess paperwork. For more information visit @-

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Wealth E-office provides consistent and accurate results based on validation rules defined and manages your huge data flows in real time. The highly accurate reporting of this mutual fund software for IFA builds up the confidence of the advisors and strengthen their relationships with their clients. For more information visit @-

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Do this mutual fund software for distributors provide user-friendly and intuitive Interface ?

To handle all the wealth management processes , there is a need of a smooth platform which is user friendly enough to manage the daily work flows. Our mutual fund software for distributors is a simple and intuitive wealth management platform using which you can experience a user friendly interface and can work quickly. For more information visit @-

How this mutual fund software manages all investment through single login ?

Wealth E-office consolidates all investments automatically, which enable Investors & their advisors to monitor the performance of their investments through a single login with just a few clicks across all devices in this mutual fund software for IFA, accessible from anywhere, anytime. For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Do this mutual fund software provides investment summary & Analytics reports ?

Wealth E-office offers intelligent, value-added reports like transaction reports, AUM report , valuation report, annualized returns, capital gains and advanced charts that enable smarter investment decisions. Through this mutual fund software in India financial advisors and investors can also compare their portfolio with different indices to get a view of their diversified investments and risk profiling. For more information visit @-

Monday, 22 July 2019

How can an advisor deliver best decisions using this mutual fund software for IFA ?

It is the best mutual fund software for IFA which is equipped with various Research tools and calculators and makes easy for an advisor to provide right advise to his clients and leads to better decision making, productivity and stronger review process. For more information visit @-

Saturday, 20 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors provides highest Data Quality ?

Wealth E-office developed a unique wealth management platform which helps you to manage and unify portfolio data accurately and securely. The highest data quality of this mutual fund software for distributors incorporates easy reporting and helps advisers to strengthen relationship with investors. For more information visit @-

How can an advisor enhance his working productivity with this mutual fund software ?

This mutual fund software offers faster processing and extraction of data from multiple documents with high various exporting methods like excel and PDF export thus efficiently smooths your business processes and increases productivity. For more information visit @-

Friday, 19 July 2019

How easily we can navigate across this mutual fund software for distributors ?

In this mutual fund software for distributors an adviser can tag all the investments in one single place. This software is also equipped with a multi assets like FD, Bonds, Real Estate , Equity and commodity all managed beautifully under a single platform in a visually and easy-to-navigate dashboard. For more information visit @-

Thursday, 18 July 2019

What type of portfolio view an adviser can get in this mutual fund software for IFA ?

Wealth E-office has a robust reporting platform which will give you a power of knowledge and developed tools that maintains your overall portfolio valuation. This mutual fund software for IFA provides real time monitoring of the invested fund’s return and tracks performance of the fund. For more information visit @-

How can an adviser link existing investments into goals with this Mutual fund software ?

Usually investors make most investment without a proper goal. Each investment should have plan. Considering this need we created a Goal GPS module in this mutual fund software . This will help investors to create goals and map their existing investments into it. Our Goal planning tool will let you if you are on track to reach your investment goals. For more information visit @-

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Do this mutual fund software for IFA provides authority to process multilevel transactions ?

The user can also check the transaction done by him through his own login account. This feature is provided to the investors in this mutual fund software for IFA using which they can check their asset positions online at any given time and can process multilevel transactions. For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors can help advisers to increase efficiency ?

We helps advisers to set their business up for growth and develop them as a brand. Our mutual fund software for distributors is a cutting edge platform which will help you to attract more clients, save time, grow your revenues, and differentiate your advisory firm in the market. For more information visit @-

Monday, 15 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors provide easy to use solutions ?

Redvision provide complete wealth management solutions for advisers and for distributors . Our mutual fund software for distributors is designed to save your time and give you options so you can focus on your clients. Our reporting and investment analysis are designed to meet your business needs. For more information visit @-

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Do this mutual fund software for IFA provide convenience and flexibility?


Convenience and flexibility are two important factors which needs to be consider while purchasing a mutual fund software for IFA . Our web-based modular design with role based reporting and analytics allows easy configurations to support the preferences given by adviser. For more information visit @-

Friday, 12 July 2019

How can deliver high quality advise to customers using this mutual fund software for IFA?

Wealth E-office provides expert analysis on performance of all MF schemes, so that you can advise the best scheme to your customers. You can advise schemes based on their risk profile and needs. This Mutual Fund Software for IFA has a host of fund performance analytics which will assist you in picking the right scheme for your customer. For more information visit @-

Thursday, 11 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors provides real time portfolio monitoring?

Wealth E-office provides a single consolidated and fully customized dashboard for all the necessary functions required within a firm. This mutual fund software for distributors calculates real-time NAV, P&L, risk and exposures across user-defined industry, sector and asset classes. For more information visit @-

How you can find best funds using this mutual fund software ?

Redvision’s Wealth E office platform provides advanced research desk.The tool comes which bundled with rich data and performance calculators. Using this mutual fund software you can identify opportunities and track all of your investments in one place. For more information visit @-

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for IFA provide integrated view of investment done ?

Being an adviser you are servicing your investors to achieve their financial goals. Hence it is important to provide them a consolidated view of their investments. Using this mutual fund software for IFA , we provide easy reporting helpful in gaining a consolidated view of investment in a single integrated system. For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Where you can analyse fund performance in this Mutual fund Software for distributors ?

Wealth e Office provides an outstanding Research desk having various tools and calculators helping you to evaluate the fund’s performance. This Mutual fund software for distributors provides charts, tables and graphs helping a better understanding of your portfolio today, and where future opportunities may lie. You can analyze portfolio growth over time, including basis, valuation and returns. For more information visit @-

Monday, 8 July 2019

How can take information system to the next level using this Mutual fund software ?

 You and your investors can access all of your structured financial data in an easy and secure manner using mutual fund software . The advanced reporting in this software will let you to easily manage your data and maintain month wise performance of your firm , leading you to take your information system to the next level. For more information visit @-

How can this mutual fund software for distributors enhance business ?

 This mutual fund software for distributors standardize processes and reporting, eliminate inconsistencies and mistakes, ensuring your operational integrity is never questioned. Thus helping you to enhance your business in the financial industry . For more information visit @-

Saturday, 6 July 2019

How can simplify the complexity in investment management using this mutual fund software ?

Investment management is becoming increasingly complex. The need of correct reporting , growing financial planning awareness are challenging firms at a time when they are also being pressured for more clarity and transparency. Our mutual fund software delivers a sophisticated solution for insurance, FD/bonds and multi-asset strategies. For more information visit @-

How this mutual fund software for IFA saves your time required for collecting data?

This mutual fund software for IFA  let you invest more time on data rather than collecting it. You can eliminate the manual work that it takes to gather the data you need and can react faster with notifications of updates and changes to portfolio companies and funds. For more information visit @-

Friday, 5 July 2019

Do this mutual fund software for distributors monitor the key dates ?

Wealth e Office keeps track of important dates for you and your investors and provides alerts & reminders so that you never miss an opportunity to increase your returns. This mutual fund software for distributors automatically captures upcoming events, such as SIP expirations, SIP completion also convertible note maturity dates. You can also set reminders in advance of key dates to avoid costly mistakes. For more information visit @-

Thursday, 4 July 2019

How will get accurate data at fingertips using this Mutual fund software for IFA ?

Mutual fund software for IFA can maintain critical files and reports, deal documents in a centralized system. You can also extract this reports and important data using various exporting techniques like excel , PDF or can directly mail it to your clients . For more information visit @-

How quickly can onboard clients using this mutual fund software for distributors ?

Quick onboarding facility is available in this Mutual fund software for distributors using which you can onboard your clients on your BSE Star MF account including all the important data required so that your clients can easily transact online. There is no need to do much manual work for onboarding your clients. For more information visit @ -

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

How this mutual fund software for distributors collaborate in Real Estate reporting ?

Wealth e Office provides a complete solution for all assets including Real Estate .This mutual fund software for distributors helps you to check and analyse your client’s investment in Real estate .You can easily add your client’s real estate details in this software and can track the same for complete monitoring. For more information visit @-

How can track client’s investment using this mutual fund software ?

Wealth e Office tracks and displays your investments in a secure, easy-to-use web dashboard, organizing all of your investment details under single roof - accessible even when you are on the go. This mutual fund software helps to track your portfolio considering various performance factors like absolute returns , XIRR and CAGR It manage multiple assets and transaction types, including investments in companies and funds. For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

What kind of help does the model portfolio section of this mutual fund software provide ?

Using this mutual fund software you can create model portfolios allowing you to focus on the research and due diligence process on a narrower range of investments. Wealth e Office is accomplished by built in model portfolio considering various funds across a range of outcomes and also considering the risk profile of your investors.For more information visit @-

How this Mutual fund software for IFA generates performance based reports ?

Using this Mutual Fund software for IFA you can generate distributable reports and share investment details with your investors. This report is equipped with fund performance like absolute returns , XIRR and CAGR .You can also download Statement of Account (SOA) for better record-keeping and can easily send this to your investors. For more information visit @-

Monday, 1 July 2019

How this Mutual Fund Software for distributors stimulate multiple scenarios ?

You can work side by side with your clients to understand the financial impact their decisions have on their plans. Using model portfolio report in this mutual fund software for distributors you can adjust scenarios and techniques in real time for better planning and decisions. For more information visit @-