Friday, 30 November 2018

We made RTA SOA download very easy settled in this mutual fund software for IFA

We made RTA SOA download very easy and responsive time settled in this mutual fund software for IFA. Each AMC account statement can be downloaded without going through their respective website like cams,karvy, Sundaram and franklin.For more information visit @-

Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Mutual Fund Software for IFA you can provide comfort to your investors

If you face any challenging time for many funds across the globe have started to place fees and charges under a microscope, then you can redeem it at any time and that time valuation can be shown correctly through this mutual fund software for IFA.For more information visit @-

This mutual fund software for IFA can be perfect automatic MF software solution

If you’re part of a small or medium-sized running advisory business then this mutual fund software for IFA can be perfect automatic MF software solution.It is a driven and innovative tool for distributors needing to fulfil back-office operations.For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Easy-to-use in this mutual fund software for distributors

The brokerage attribution and distribution analysisis easy-to-use/see in this mutual fund software for distributors. The graphical and charting options are there in the software so that a better communication can be done for distributor with his brokers and client.For more information visit @-

This mutual fund software for IFA is data management solution

This mutual fund software for IFA is data management solution and it is perfect for those distributors,who are in need of dynamic reporting capabilities in norms of goal gps calculation – with multi-level performance measurement like fund house performance sheets.For more information visit @-

Monday, 26 November 2018

This Mutual fund software for distributor is an open ERP architecture

 This Mutual fund software for distributors is an open ERP architecture, and it’s customisable and easily integrated with other existing products for same genre.It is a modular MF solution that specialises in offering distributor business solution.For more information visit @-

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Mutual fund software will simultaneously updated across your entire software

Any reports and product development if happened in this mutual fund software will simultaneously updated across your entire software – meaning that changes made to one software report will instantly benefit any other sections too.And all other fund reports, that will simplify any IFA business.For more information visit @-

Friday, 23 November 2018

This mutual fund software for distributors is designed to leave an audit trail

This mutual fund software for distributors is designed to leave an audit trail, transactional journals, brokerage structures, and coalition to BSE in an underlying status sothat it can be appointed at various access levels.For more information visit @-

Thursday, 22 November 2018

A perfect combination of Financial Planning Software and Mutual Fund Software

Through this mutual fund software for distributors one can add exceptions management and data integrity maintenance in a unified flow.Security and regulatory compliance are two unique selling points for our software so that one can believe data secrecy easily.For more information visit @-

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Mutual fund software For multi-user interface

For multi-user interface – this mutual fund software system can be logged in through any person at any place and at any point of time. The same login can be done at number of PCS.Once your user having online access to wealth e office software then simplified for him to login.For more information visit @-

A perfect Mutual Fund Software for IFA in india

In this software system fund classes and its types can be got it as a separate entity, and is ideal for larger portfolio rebalancing because if your investor is having long time goals then through this mutual fund software for IFA you will get separation of the fund classes for hundreds of schemes.For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

This complete mutual fund software is designed to offer distributors

This complete mutual fund software is designed to offer distributors a comprehensive and streamlined functionality in terms of both front-end and back-end operations.Through this software a distributor can do work in flow and provide documentation on mutual fund scheme performances.For more information visit @-

Monday, 19 November 2018

A great assistant for Mutual Fund Software For IFA

If a distributor working with number of sub brokers then not necessarily software will keep on Import support for auto-mapping of transactions done using ISIN numbers, but our software do so. Through this mutual fund software for IFA the transactions maps automatically as per business run by your sub brokers.For more information visit @-

Saturday, 17 November 2018

A smart and efficient mutual fund software in india

It can be difficult trying to track down a solution specific to your needs.That’s why we’ve compiled all mutual funds solution to this mutual fund software for IFA, spelling out what our software do and exactly what makes this stand out as superior systems.For more information visit @-

Complete asset management software for distributor and investors choice

With benefits of distributor and investors choicewe provide you with what, you and your investorsare expecting. We provide you detailed brochures about mutual fund schemes their returns and expected XIRR below 1 year 2 year and if, from since inception. Details are available in your financial websites as well to client web login and mobile login. We at Redvision computer technologies provides mutual fund software named as “wealth e office” for beginners likemutual funds Young distributor growing and working hard to earn clients faith and aum growth. Also to them who is already a mutual fund distributor and looking for consistent performing funds.

Not to be tough in search of best mutual fund software in India.It’s easy to see your money invested in which scheme,you can search it with accurate details and amount through this asset management software, if searching for the same. As a financial professional with years of experience, you will be in deep knowledge of mutual fund industry and the best data management software. The decisions you took were based on where you can satisfy your client’s need and force them to stay with you.

Through software you can do proper rebalancing of portfolio. When you continually watching fund performance for client investment in this software, thenyou are always in touch with market returns and how it will behave in future you are well versed with this. So if initially you have an investment for a long-term goal you have asset allocation 80% equity and 20% debt. After due course, your asset allocation % will change due to the change in value of your investment over time. So at that time this software will help you to take wise decision and can use this rebalancing on that time. In favour of it, we have newly launched option an additional feature in software called “between date XIRR” which you may use to check Manually or Sensex Graph generated report. It will help you to check investment cost and its value from investment date to till now.For more information visit @-

Thursday, 15 November 2018

This mutual fund software for distributors improves targeted business

As a valuable addition to any firm’s mutual fund management strategy, this mutual fund software for distributors can play a significant role, and it not only improves targeted business efficiency of distributor but also improves the investor interest part.For more information visit @-

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Redvision’s supervise mutual fund software is an ideal software solution for IFA’S

Redvision’s supervise mutual fund software is an ideal software solution for IFA’S who constantly check in on their investments and receive a concise performance snapshot of every portfolio for mutual fund invested schemes. Both parties (Client and distributor) have online access for this.For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

This mutual fund software for IFA will help you so well

This mutual fund Software having integration with the quantity of mutual fund schemes within that,the funds are Effortlessly integrated and connectivity through invest online portal is quick and easy. If you want to proceed seamlessly then this mutual fund software for IFA will help you so well.For more information visit @-

Monday, 12 November 2018

This mutual fund software for IFA will let you know the track record of all

This ease of deployment and implementation of latest technology update is quick and simple in this mutual fund software for IFA.When you're managing your portfolio, so the best wealth management software needs to operate quickly and seamlessly.For more information visit @-

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Mutual fund software wealth e office helps in investment analysis

A majority of this mutual fund software systems will help you with the technical and fundamental analysis of your client’s investment, from insurance, equity and mutual funds. This software will also keep your records straight and organized for you, and can interact with databases online to update them selves regularly.For more information visit @-

Monday, 5 November 2018

Mutual fund software offers transaction updates in real time

Our mutual fund software and running strategy of mobile application is too similar, so that it offers transaction updates in real time, whether it's for asset holding position or investment accounting.For more information visit @-

Saturday, 3 November 2018

This mutual fund software will help for Institutionalized investment portfolio

The most basic functions of software will include Institutionalized investment portfolio management,mutual funds data management, through this mutual fund software for IFA, you can manage your mixed funds, pooled funds, multi-class funds, as well as other funds.For more information visit @-

Friday, 2 November 2018

This mutual fund software makes easy investment administration

The more powerful advantage of our mutual fund software is the large variety of options and functions for every type of report.That allow you to conduct investment administration. This includes calculation of top performers percentage allocation and many more.For more information visit @-

This mutual fund software for ifa will help you to take wise decision timely

Ideally you know that as per needs and goals, in how many different schemes should investors invest,so that goal will be achieved with proper returns on time. Through this mutual fund software for IFA it will be possible to view and take wise decisions accordingly with investments at any point of time.For more information visit @-

Thursday, 1 November 2018

This mutual fund software ease the selection of different mutual funds

The NAV performance of any specific scheme in which you going to invest is mandatory to know. If schemes in the same category of different mutual funds are available, this mutual fund software for IFA will let you know the track record of all,so that you can check should one choose a scheme with lower NAV or not.For more information visit @-