With benefits of distributor and investors choicewe provide you with what, you and your investorsare expecting. We provide you detailed brochures about mutual fund schemes their returns and expected XIRR below 1 year 2 year and if, from since inception. Details are available in your financial websites as well to client web login and mobile login. We at Redvision computer technologies provides mutual fund software named as “wealth e office” for beginners likemutual funds Young distributor growing and working hard to earn clients faith and aum growth. Also to them who is already a mutual fund distributor and looking for consistent performing funds.
Not to be tough in search of best mutual fund software in India.It’s easy to see your money invested in which scheme,you can search it with accurate details and amount through this asset management software, if searching for the same. As a financial professional with years of experience, you will be in deep knowledge of mutual fund industry and the best data management software. The decisions you took were based on where you can satisfy your client’s need and force them to stay with you.
Through software you can do proper rebalancing of portfolio. When you continually watching fund performance for client investment in this software, thenyou are always in touch with market returns and how it will behave in future you are well versed with this. So if initially you have an investment for a long-term goal you have asset allocation 80% equity and 20% debt. After due course, your asset allocation % will change due to the change in value of your investment over time. So at that time this software will help you to take wise decision and can use this rebalancing on that time. In favour of it, we have newly launched option an additional feature in software called “between date XIRR” which you may use to check Manually or Sensex Graph generated report. It will help you to check investment cost and its value from investment date to till now.For more information visit @-https://www.redvisiontech.com/mutual-fund-software.php
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