The Research desk module of this mutual fund software is a tool that helps to promote sales for the advisors in different schemes based on showing performance reports of SIP, STP and SWP. The trends and growth reports prove reliable for investors before making decision of investment. The inclusion of various calculators helps to figure out the estimated profit on investment. You can also provide performance history of specific scheme to compare with others to suggest the best out of various schemes.
Why as an advisor Research Desk is foremost for you?
Research desk assist you in generating past performance of the schemes based on which you can recommend and encourage your client to initiate new investment in scheme showing high returns. It proves as reliable source for your investor and increases the chances of his consent towards investment that ultimately improves your business operations. Also the tool provides various calculators to estimate the future returns over the investment made in different segments like marriage, education planning, SIP’s and many more.
What problems usually advisors face without Research Desk?
· Tracking past performance of SIP, STP, SWP and dividend history will be typical and pursuing in-depth research on the schemes will be difficult.
· Advisors find it hard to convince the client for additional investment due to lack of research report and performance history.
· Showing a detailed comparison between different schemes is not possible.
· Advisors will be unable to identify future returns through different calculators that are only available in the tool.
· Without research tool generating model portfolio and factsheets of the scheme is not possible.
How Research desk is a solution for different problems of advisors?
· It helps advisors to make selection of growing schemes to suggest client for investing funds.
· The top performer schemes can be constantly monitored and track record can be shown to investors for reliability.
· Different calculators for SIP and other goals assist in identifying estimated future returns which attracts the customer for investment.
· Based on dividend history and comparing different funds recommending a particular scheme becomes easy for the advisors.
· Advisor can easily make understand to client about a plan through graphical representation showing trend for particular period rather than textual report.
What all tools and facilities are available for advisors in Research Desk?
1 Mutual Fund Tools:
It includes various tools like SIP, STP, and SWP performance tracker that helps advisors to tracks the history of various schemes to figure out the best one which is suitable for investment by client. The tool also facilitates to represent the report in graphical and chart based manner to make the representation easy and unique.
2 Pre sales Calculator:
While suggesting a plan or scheme to client an advisor can use all such calculators to estimate the future returns that induces an investor for investment. It helps as promotional tool for advisors that motivates a client to buy the scheme for enhancing the image of portfolio.
3 Comparing Funds:
To provide best suggestion to client for investment comparing different plans is best way to get the trust of client and advisors can compare 5 different schemes at single time to select the fruitful scheme generating optimum returns.
4 Model Portfolio:
This tool allows setting percentage of assets to be allocated within total portfolio of client to derive the maximum returns from investment based on which personalized investment plan can be developed.
5 Fact sheet:
The fact sheet helps to identify the relevant information of schemes before making investment like corpus, NAV and scheme category.
It can also be used to track the performance of the schemes. For more information, visit @-
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